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Bretton Woods Recreation Center

Designed HR Programs and Built a Diverse Organization

  • Organized strategic HR Management tools and metrics

  • Oversaw compensation administration, benchmarks, payroll and LOA management

  • Led a team of Employee Relations Partners, focused on Culture and Development activities

  • Created workflow and training for processes, projects, and applications

  • Developed Full Cycle On-boarding, New Hire Orientation, and created personal leadership development plans for managers with low survey scores

  • Controlled performance management programs for employees on all levels of the organization

  • Managed unemployment claims, prepares employment verification letters for employees, and responds to employment verification requests from third party vendors

  • Recommended change in methods and best practices to increase efficiency, effectiveness and/or compliance

  • Conducted weekly Leader Program Zoom meetings: demonstrating decision making development in leaders, offered energy, excitement, and challenge

  • Influenced the design and development of HR Programs that help build strong innovative and diverse organization in support of the Bretton Woods mission

  • Partnered with Littler Global employment law attorneys, worldwide, regarding complex club matters in order to develop and implement best HR practices in such areas as talent acquisition, salary plan administration, rewards’ programs, employee development and coaching, constructive discipline, and performance improvement




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